Our Mission
The Mission of the Franklin Alumni Association & Foundation is to keep Franklin graduates connected with one another and with Seattle's Franklin High School. We are committed to providing support to enhance the educational experience of Franklin students.
Our Impact
The Franklin Alumni Association & Foundation is an entirely volunteer lead organization. We’re a bunch of Quakers dedicated to celebrating our great Quaker legacy and ensuring the next generations of Quakers thrive and soar.
school grants given
The Franklin Alumni Association & Foundation has given $10,000 in school grants to the Franklin Building Leadership team in the 22-23 school year to disperse to projects, clubs, and teams most in need of support. We additionally provide $10,000 towards athletics uniforms annually.
scholarships given
In 2023 the Franklin Alumni Association & Foundation gave out 24 scholarships totaling more than $31,000 to graduating seniors.
active members!
Franklin Alumni Association & Foundation is as strong as our community! Join to make a difference in connection Quakers past and present today.
The Quaker Times is published twice per year online and in print. Current, paid up FAA&F members get a paper copy mailed to their home in fall and spring. Check out our blog in the meantime!
Remembering Herbert Minoru Tsuchiya, 1932 - 2023
When he was ten, in 1942, Herb and his family, along with 120,000 other Americans of Japanese ancestry, were forcibly removed from their homes and the Tsuchiya family was sent to the Minidoka War Relocation prison camp in Hunt, Idaho, where they stayed until their release in 1945.
a new principal at franklin: erik weiss
Hello Quaker Alumni:
I began my teaching career twenty years ago at Highline High School where I taught English and Advancement Via Individual Determination (AVID) for eleven years. After graduating from the UW's Danforth Educational Leadership Program, I served as assistant principal at Juanita High School in the Lake Washington School District for four years. In 2018, I came to SPS where I served as an assistant principal at Chief Sealth International High School until this year.
JUNE 2022
I am a hard-working individual that wants to thrive at everything I do; and I have always lived by a saying by Maya Angelou, ‘My goal in life is not to merely survive but to thrive, and to do so with some passion, some compassion, some humor and some style.
- MYSHAYA HILLARD 2022 Franklin Scholarship WinneR
Get Involved
Help the next generation of FHS Quakers! There are many ways to get involved. Don’t see what you’re looking for here? Email faaandf@gmail.com
Your dues will allow us meet our mission, supporting current Franklin students with grants to enrich their Franklin experience and to keep alumni connected.
Volunteer opportunities
Geography is not a barrier! We have several committees and ways to help out. Write an article for the Quaker Times, help plan the Hall of Fame Dinner, and more!
Make a Donation
Already a lifetime member? Not a Franklin alumni, but still want to support the work! We rely on your generous donations to fund scholarships and school grants.