Franklin Homecoming Football Game
Break out the FHS gear and come to cheer on the boys football team!
Planning a reunion? Event at an athletic game? A class gathering or other FHS alumni centered event? Send the information along to faaandf@gmail.com and we’ll add it to the website here! Please include, date, time, short description, address, any costs related to the event, and a picture if possible!
Want to share a past event? Send photos and details to quakertimes@franklinalumni.net to be included in the Quaker Times!
Break out the FHS gear and come to cheer on the boys football team!
4920 S Genesee St.
Seattle, Washington
Date: Tuesday October 15th, 2024
Time: 12:30pm
Wear your Franklin Swag!!
You don't want to miss this!
Vibe Bingo- Fundraising for the Franklin Boys Basketball with fun, food, performances and prizes!
October 4th at Franklin Commons
Tickets $40
More information here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/fhs74/
FHS Class of 1974 will be celebrating their milestone 50-year reunion this year.
Mark your calendar for Saturday September 21, 2024. The venue will be "Terry's Kitchen" in Bellevue, WA with dinner, entertainment, music, dancing and lots of socializing to catch up with classmates. Details will be sent out via email and updated on our Facebook page.
Classmates are asked to please send your contact phone # and current email address to "quakers1974@gmail.com". Facebook users should also sign into our Facebook page: "Franklin High School Class of '74".
Go Fighting Quakers!
We will be holding the affair at the Blue Water Bistro located along the shore of Lake Washington just a few miles north of the hallowed halls of Franklin High School.. The reunion is scheduled to kickoff at 2PM on Friday, Sept. 13 and will end later in the evening when the last person from our group leaves the restaurant. For more information please send your questions or requests to Sharon (Oberto) Gillett - sharon.gillett
@aol.com; Jeff Garfield - jeff@garfieldgroup.net, or Bob Napier - nasvc@msn.com.
Connect with alumni on Franklin’s campus!
Come one come all to celebrate Quaker Excellence at the 2024 Franklin Alumni Association & Foundation Hall of Fame. Re-connect with classmates and other Franklin alum. Celebrate this year’s inductees to the Hall of Fame, dance through the decades, enjoy delicious food and drink, and help raise funds to support the next generation of Franklin Quakers! Tickets $100-$160
Social Hour: 5:30 pm-6:30 pm
Music from the Decades
Mistress of Ceremonies – Felicia Barnes '02, Comedy Goddess
Buffet Dinner: 6:30 pm
Hall of Fame Inductions
Student Speaker
Student Quotes
Raise the Paddle
8:25 – 9:00: Socialize and Celebrate!
I am happy to announce that our third annual Rising Tide Scholarship & Vocational Fair will be from Tuesday, October 23rd through Thursday, October 26th. We are especially excited this year because teachers will be provided with time to bring their students to the Fair.
We continue with the theme that a “Rising Tide Lifts All Students.” I hope that you and/or your organization will be part of the 2023 Rising Tide. Please contact me, Deborah Burton, at 425 291-7249 if you would like to participate in this meaningful event.
It is amazing that for so many of our students, this event is proof that the community cares and that there is indeed, “light at the end of the tunnel”. I look forward to your Tide.
Breakout your letterman jacks and FHS gear! Come cheer on the FHS Football team at Homecoming 2024!
Join Franklin Alumni Association & Foundation for a special homecoming event at the school!
Class of 1983 park gathering!!!
Join us for the annual Franklin Alumni Association & Foundation Hall of Fame Dinner. Celebrate achievements of Quakers past and present. Raise critical funds to support scholarships, grants and more.
Tickets $100
Free museum entry beginning at 4:00 PM