There are many ways to get involved!
Geography is not a barrier, you don’t need to be based in Seattle to help out! Don’t see what you’re interested in below? Send us an email with more about how you’d like to help!
Join a Board Committee:
Committee members are not voting board members. They meet between 2-4 times per year depending on the committee.
Scholarship Committee
Meet 2-4 times per year January - May. Help with scholarship outreach to upperclass classrooms, with counselors, and school leaders. Review scholarship applications and make recommendations to the board. Email
Communications Committee
Meet 2 times per year January-December. Do an instagram take-over, help with website design, write an article for the Quaker Times! Email
Hall of Fame Committee
Meet 4 times per year January-May. Assist in planning the biennial Franklin Hall of Fame Awards Ceremony. Make and solicit alumni recommendations for the Hall of Fame, assist with event planning, outreach, selling tickets, sourcing catering, event schedule, etc. Attend the Hall of Fame Awards Ceremony (helpful to be based in Seattle, but not necessary). Email
We can use your energy and talent. Just send an email!
Created for Franklin's Centennial in 1912 as part of the Mural Program and on display in the front hall.