Quakers-for-Life! Annual Campaign 2022

Calling all Quakers!   Quakers-for-Life!

Franklin High School has a long track record of helping to shape exceptional students who go on to make our communities better. Alumni make significant contributions in politics, music, sports, advocacy, business, medicine, human services, and every sector you can imagine. 

And as alums, we can support and enrich the school environment for the next generation of change makers. Since 1996, the Association & Foundation have been raising funds to buy sports uniforms, support off-site field trips, purchase new equipment to replace broken or marginally functional items, and send outgoing seniors off with a scholarship as they embark on their new lives. Through donations to the foundation and membership to the alumni association we distribute between $25,000 - $40,000 each year. 

With your partnership, we can do even more. 

We have huge ambitions for the future of our scholarship funds and school support funds, and we need your help to get there. Some of these big ambitions include:

  • Growing our endowment so that every graduating student who needs a scholarship receives one. 

  • Supporting the athletics department by purchasing uniforms more frequently than every 3 years. 

  • Providing equipment and supplies not otherwise provided.  For example, baseball and softball teams can’t practice on rainy days and there is not enough money to pay to go to batting places. FAA&F recently provided the batting cages which enables students to practice in the gym, and never miss a practice.

  • Continuing support for many other programs – mock trail, music, arts, tech., etc

Our scholarship chair, Herman Houston ‘67 recently shared some thoughts about the outstanding students who share their lives and their dreams within their applications:

I find pride and inspiration in the fact that our committee understood the humanity and the life story that was often hidden between the lines written by students applying for a scholarship.  We saw students who have already used up a lifetime’s worth of hope; students who forfeited their childhood to help their family survive; students schooled by racism and deaths of friends; students with the wisdom that mental health is not the same as their G.P.A.; students with dreams weighed down by reality. And notably, students with a North Star.

We need your support to make that possible.

There are many ways to contribute:

  • Join or Renew your membership.  

  • Make a donation to the endowment.  (To increase our capacity to benefit students and support sustainability of our programs.)

  • Make a bequest. (See description of how, [  above/below,]

  • Volunteer your skills.  (For example:  help plan events, like the Hall of Fame; contribute to the Quaker Times; provide mentoring to seniors about potential career paths; facilitate partnerships with businesses and community non-profits to benefit students, to name just a few.)

Will you join us and make a gift to support these future change makers? Quakers have made a difference in this world, and we can make a difference at Franklin. Join us!

Show your LQVE


A Legacy for Franklin

The Franklin Alumni Association and Foundation receives bequests from time to time that enable us to substantially increase our support for Franklin and its students.   Bequests have included scholarship funds, substantial acquisitions to the library, many grants to school programs.  In implementing your estate planning, we urge you to keep Franklin in mind.  You can give your advisor this information for use in documenting gift in your will or trust:

I give, devise and bequest to Franklin Alumni Association & Foundation (a Washington Non-Profit Corporation, Federal identification # 91-1746251), located at P.O. Box 28276, Seattle, WA 98118-8276, the sum of $__________________for the benefit of that organization in its support of the programs, students, and graduates of Franklin High School. 

You can specify specific uses for your gift, or require that only earnings from the gift be used.  But, because of the complications in accounting for many smaller funds, we ask that gifts for limited purposes or restricted to use of only earnings from the gift, be limited to gifts of $100,000  or more. 

For specific advice on structuring such gifts, please contact, or have your advisor contact, the FAA&F Treasurer, David Duryee, or Tamiko Miyano, through FAAandF@gmail.com.