Principal's Greeting August 2021
Franklin Family,
As we begin the 110th year since the first graduating class walked across the stage, and as the proud principal of Franklin High School, it is an honor to send this greeting in the Quaker Times. While I am the proud principal, I am also a proud graduate of Franklin from the class of 1997. As such, I wake up everyday feeling blessed and thankful to walk the halls of Franklin and to nurture Franklin’s legacy of Truth, Unity and Honor.
I hope this message finds you healthy and joyful during what has been, and continues to be, a very challenging time. The COVID pandemic has forced us to rethink and reimagine what education is and what it can and should look like. We are using technology to support teaching and learning in ways we simply were not just 18 months ago. The pandemic has also highlighted the many inequities that our students and families face and we are called and grateful for the opportunity to demonstrate our care for our community. Through the leadership of the Franklin Alumni Association and Foundation, our PTSA and many generous donors we have been to provide over $30,000 of support to our families hit hardest by the pandemic. As a Quaker myself, nothing makes me more proud than to show how Quakers show up and spread LQVE in challenging times.
I want you all to know that the spirit of the Franklin Quakers is alive and strong. We are excited to welcome our students, families and staff back into the building this year as we return to in person school. We know there is anxiety and fear in this return and we called again to lead and act with compassion while never wavering from the heart of our job to prepare the leaders of today and tomorrow. Franklin has been on that mission since 1912 and you have my commitment to honor our legacy and lead into the future by centering our students and preparing them to change the world for the better. Go Quakers!
Andrew O’Connell | Proud Principal
Franklin High School